Saturday 20 September 2014

This Week #15 |

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it?
So first up - apologies because things have been a little absent around theses parts, having planned out a few posts whilst I was gone - the thought of going on any social media apart from the odd tweet (about mosquito wars, no less,) or the odd photo on instagram - whilst being so laid back and relaxed? Eh, no. 

Spain was amazing - our time was spent mostly by the pool, having some amazing food and spending time with family and old friends - just what the doctor ordered, as it were. And I actually got a bit of a tan. Steady on.

Oh and if you did see the mosquito war thing on twitter - I got bitten about thirty times. Thirty. Mostly on my legs. I got a few odd looks of an evening in my dresses, I can tell you.

So now the Mr and I are just getting everything ready for back-to-normal life and general post holiday blues. I swear, sometimes you need another holiday just to get over the holiday...

Just me? No?


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