Monday 4 November 2013

Fashion | Home | Beauty

Happy Monday Lovelies!

This week I shall be super busy - starting with Physio today, plenty of Christmas planning (and shopping) not to mention the usual studying and blogging bumf. This does not stop me from taking a peek now and then from around the web, so without further ado - this weeks picks from fashion, home & beauty...
Let's talk about that Dior polish, shall we? Yes it's £20 but just LOOK at it, I mean my god - why the hell wouldn't you? I've also been hankering after some Jouer products for an age, this highlighter is top of my wishlist followed closely by the Luminizing Moisture Tint, which is generally out of stock in my shade...

Onto home, that DAB radio from Roberts has a sweet dog print and it stole my heart; it actually reminds me of my sisters lab, and that's not a bad thing. I've also been burning candles like crazy and I need a new orange scented one, Jo Malone never disappoints - so there it is at the top of my wishlist. 

I love a pair of boots; especially the type with a heel that can still be walked in. These look hideously comfortable and I really need/want them. That top? It's just a little bit jazzier than the long sleeved variety I'm used to, and there ain't nothing wrong with jazzy...

What's on your wishlist this week?


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