Wednesday 10 December 2014

Life #1

I know I said I was taking a little break, a hiatus from blogging for a little while whilst I was waiting for my operation and then recovery - but I thought I'd share a few Christmas-y snippets from around the home...

We never have a running 'theme' for Christmas, although the tree is mostly covered in red/gold or white, but for the most part it's all a hot mess! I've been waiting for those blue star lights to die for years but they are resilient little lights - I kind of dig the way they light up my mama's various sentimental pieces on her sideboard. Buddha looks pimping, right?

I've also tried my hand at salt-dough ornament making which went reasonably well! I hope they last for a few years, even if they do look like a three year old made them. 

These gold glittery lights were an impulsive buy from Tesco and they look so pretty in our bay window, dangling in a slightly haphazard manner, I won't lie. There is still a little bit to do, like put the outside lights up and clean the living room properly for when people come over, but it's looking good (in our humble eyes,) so far.

Also; I finally have a time and date for my operation (send me good wishes on the 16th!) so I'm over-joyed to finally have it all in place. I'm hoping to celebrate my birthday over again as it kind of bombed being so ill - although I had the sweetest cards and gifts from loved ones which naturally perks a girl up! 

As I won't be blogging until 2015 (say what? When did time start slipping by?) I wish you all a merry Christmas and an epic new year!


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