Sunday 19 April 2015


I could wax lyrical about many cream cleansers. They are my overall preference for "skin cleansing" as they (usually) not only cleanse but soothe and hydrate too...
Having run out of one of my usual cleansers and whilst shopping in The Body Shop I decided to pick up the Pomegranate Softening Cream Cleanser on a whim.

Firstly, having loved the cream cleansers from The Body Shop for an absolute age now, this is the first one I've seen with an actual pump - small things, people, small things. It's definitely pleasing to not worry about wastage every time I'm washing my face. Please, Body Shop, do this for the Aloe cleanser!

The pomegranate feels a lot like the aloe cleanser, a light cream cleanser but once applied feels really hydrating and soothing. It does have a light fragrance, but it doesn't irritate my sensitive skin at all. Although this is aimed at targeting 'signs of ageing' I think this will be a brilliant cleanser for everyone. It helps with my dry, sensitive skin but it's also been feeling a lot more soft overall and a lot more brighter too. That and it's light enough for oily/combination skin types too.

I'm really pleased with this cleanser discovery and I'll definitely repurchase this, even over the Aloe cleanser, if only for the pump!

Have you tried the Pomegranate Softening Cream Cleanser?


1 comment:

  1. First of all, I love The Body Shop and the smells of their different ranges. Pomegranate is a smell of health, for sure! Great you are so pleased with it and will make sure to check it out in stores


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